
RobotAI Robot Vision Software to create 6D pose data

RobotAI Robot Vision Software to create 6D pose data
RobotAI Robot Vision Software to create 6D pose data

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  • Model: POSE6D
Software FunctionVision
Software VersionPOSE6D
License TypePermanent
Support (Y/N)YES

Runtime software.

  • Detects objects at different orientations and positions. Runs on any computer connected to your camera and/or robot. Provides 6DoF (Tx,Ty,Tz and Rx,Ry,Rz) for each detected object. Requires pre-trained model for object detection and position estimation. Camera independent.
  • Support Installation + training : 2 hours.
  • Software updates : 1 year
  • Customization Not included
  • License Up to 30 similar objects in image.
  • Lifetime / Per computer
  • Price $3K