
AGV Quote Review Service

AGV Quote Review Service
AGV Quote Review Service

Get free quote for the best price !

  • Brand: PROLOG
  • Model: Quote Review
Country / LocationEurope
Sector or IndustryIntralogistics
Experience (year)25
Number of Projects1000

AGV Quote review/Technical evaluation

You have received the offers from the AGV manufacturers and now need to get an overview of which offers fall off the grid from a technical point of view and which offers should be shortlisted?

We support you in reviewing the offers and check the consistency with your specification sheet as well as the corresponding completeness. Your purchasing department can concentrate fully on the commercial processes.

The offers you receive are the basis for your procurement department. Here, the offers must be technically comparable in order to be able to put them in relation to each other in terms of price. We are happy to help you with this.
