
ABB Robot Expert

ABB Robot Expert
ABB Robot Expert

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  • Brand: ABB
  • Model: ABB
Country / LocationGlobal
Sector or IndustryAutomotive
Experience (year)10+
Number of Projects15+

  • ABB Robot programmer
  • ABB Robot Trainer
  • ABB Robot Maintenance Expert
Model: IRC5
Automation engineer with robot programming and simulation skills. I have 10 years of experience on commisioning, troubleshooting and improvements and ..
Model: S4C, S4C+, IRC5, OMNICORE
✅ Change of fats and/or oils in the manipulator. ✅ MINOR Preventive Maintenance (controller consumables only). ✅ MAJOR Preventive Maintenance (contr..
Model: S4C, S4C+, IRC5, OMNICORE
✅ Add new products.✅ Reduction of cycle times.✅ Improvements in quality, in security, in integration with the PLC.✅ Modification of positi..